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Mallet Family Papers IV. Papers of Sir Louis du Pan Mallet GCMG (1864-1936) and other members of the Mallet family

* This list is a draft (August 2012, updated Sept 2013). Reference numbers will remain as they are in this list, but descriptions are subject to changes and additions. As yet there are not more detailed descriptions of files in this collection; they will appear as they are created.*

Mainly concerning LdPM’s period as British Ambassador at Constantinople 1913-1914. 1 and 2 are duplicated in the Foreign Office archives, in the Grey and Nicolson papers.

Mallet IV.01 Official letters and copies of telegrams from Foreign Office during LdPM’s residence at Constantinople 1913-1914. Includes official letters from Sir E Grey and Sir A Nicolson

  • Mallet IV.01.01 Semi-official letters (8) from Sir E Grey and Sir A Nicolson (13) in Foreign Office covering all the important subjects dealt with in Constantinople between November 1913 and July 1914. The other side of this correspondence can be seen in the copies of LdPM's letters in IV.02. Also some telegrams.
  • Mallet IV.01.02 Exchange of telegrams between Constantinople and Foreign Office, 6-7 February 1914.
  • Mallet IV.01.03 Letter to LdPM from Sir W Tyrrell, Foreign Office, 27 March 1914.
  • Mallet IV.01.04 Telegram from Foreign Office to Constantinople, 16 October 1914.
  • Mallet IV.01.05 Telegrams between Foreign Office and Constantinople 1913-1914.
  • Mallet IV.01.06 Telegrams between Foreign Office and Constantinople 1914.
  • Mallet IV.01.07 Draft telegram from Constantinople to Foreign Office, 26 September 1914.

Mallet IV.02 1 item. Notebook: copies of outward letters from LdPM to Sir E Grey and Sir A Nicolson, November 1913 - July 1914. 117pp used. Other side of correspondence in IV.01.These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

Mallet IV.03 semi-official letters, correspondents include Grand Vizier, Palate, Kitchener, Sir Ian Hamilton, and Lt Cpl Cunliffe-Owen 1913-4

Mallet IV.04 official letters from various correspondents

Mallet IV.05 official memoranda and minutes made by LdPM while Assistant under Secretary at Foreign Office, relating to the Morocco incident etc. Correspondence with Sir E Grey (1 letter)

Mallet IV.06 diary notes and notes of conversations 1916-1919 These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

  • Mallet IV.06.01 Diary notes, ND, re Lloyd George and Miss Stevenson; Philip Tilden; dinner at the Lansdownes'. With transcription by E Hugo Mallet.
  • Mallet IV.06.02 MS of article for The Times, 2 Aug 1916 re discrepancy between Emperor William's statements and Moltke. With transcription by E Hugo Mallet.
  • Mallet IV.06.03 Diary notes of 25 Sept, 28 Sept, 3 Oct (two) 1916 re possibilities for peace.
  • Mallet IV.06.04 Diary notes of 11 and 12 March 1917 'of conversation with Philip Sassoon on 11 March 1917 re Lloyd George's plot against Haig, and Curzon's servile support of him - showing that both of them are little short of traitors'. With transcriptions by E Hugo Mallet.
  • Mallet IV.06.05 Diary notes 14 and 21 March 1917, recording conversations with mr Balfour, Sir Philip Sassoon, Lady Randolph Churchill, Lady Leslie. With transcriptions by E Hugo Mallet.
  • Mallet IV.06.06 Diary note re death of Stephen Mallet, 17 March 1917
  • Mallet IV.06.07 Diary note 19 March 1917 re the Russian revolution
  • Mallet IV.06.08 Draft letter from LdPM to Kerr and ?part of a draft memorandum re future of Turkey, 13 May 1919.
  • Mallet IV.06.09 Diary notes re dinner at Sir P Chetwode's, 11 March 1922

Mallet IV.07 notes taken at Versailles conference 1919

Mallet IV.08 letters re Rome Embassy and career treatment generally. 1 from Lord Grey

Mallet IV.09 6 letters from Sir W Tyrell, later Lord Tyrell 1914-1932, and 5 from Lionel Earle, Office of Works, 1914.These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

Mallet IV.10 Royal Warrants, notices of appointment, passports etc.

Mallet IV.11 Private letters 1913-1923. These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

  • Mallet IV.11.01 2 letters to LdPM from Duchesss of Connaught (HRH Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia)
    • IV.11.1.1 dated Ottawa, 13 November 1911. With envelope.
    • IV.11.1.2 dated Clarence House, 16 July ?1914
  • Mallet IV.11.02 Part of a letter to LdPM from Lady Lowther, wife of his predecessor in Constantinople, ND, prob 1913. Describes domestic arrangements at Embassy. 2ff, missing first pages.
  • Mallet IV.11.03 Letter to LdPMfrom Sir Francis Bertie, dated Paris 31 July 1913. Re household arrangements. 4ff.
  • Mallet IV.11.04 Letter to LdPM from CJB Hurst, 5 October 1913, wishing him well on his departure for Constantinople.
  • Mallet IV.11.05 Letter to LdPM from Marie Mallet, 29 November 1913. Re period of acting lady-in-waiting to Princess Christian. 4ff.
  • Mallet IV.11.06 2 letters to LdPM from Gertrude Bell
    • IV.11.6.1 dated 26 March [1914] from Baghdad
    • IV.11.6.2 dated Wed. ? July 1914 from 95 Sloane St [London]
  • Mallet IV.11.07 Letter to LdPM from ?Maurice Baring, 5 April 1914.
  • Mallet IV.11.08 Letter to LdPM from Lord Bryce, dated Jerusalem, 7 April 1914.
  • Mallet IV.11.09 Letter to LdPM from Flora Russell, dated London, 30 June 1914. Sending cheque for school.
  • Mallet IV.11.10 Letter to LdPM from Blanche Ovey, wife of William Ovey, member of Embassy staff in Constantinople, dated Athens, 19 November 1914. Describes departure of Embassy staff and British subjects from Constantinople after outbreak of war.
  • Mallet IV.11.11 Note to LdPM from Margot Asquith, dated 22 July ?1915 or 1916.
  • Mallet IV.11.12 2 letters from Sir Edward Grey
    • IV.11.12.1 dated Fallodon 26 July 1916
    • IV.11.12.2 dated Acton House 4 May 1917 after Fallodon was burnt down
  • Mallet IV.11.13 Letter to LdPM from David Davies, dated House of Commons 23 August 1920. Forwarding 2 pamphlets (desunt) suggesting Constantinople as seat of League of Nations.
  • Mallet IV.11.14 5 items re whether PM Campbell-Bannerman decided not to put before the Cabinet results of interviews between Cambon and Grey on 10, 15 and 31 January 1906:
    • IV.11.14.1 Letter to LdPM from Sir George Aston
    • IV.11.14.2 Letter to LdPM from Lord Grey dated 15 November 1932
    • IV.11.14.3 Letter to LdPM from Lord Grey dated 28 November 1932
    • IV.11.14.4 Letter to LdPM from Lord Grey dated 30 November 1932
      IV.11.14.5 Draft of LdPM’s reply to Aston. May not be complete or in order.
  • Mallet IV.11.15 Letter to LdPM from ?Dorina A Mears re his acceptance of Presidency of ?a Red Cross Committee. ND.
  • Mallet IV.11.16 Letter to LdPM from M. A. de Fleurian, French Ambassador in London, re application for travel documents. ND
  • Mallet IV.11.17 Letter to LdPM from Lord Lansdowne, dated 7 April 1923.
  • Mallet IV.11.18 Letter to LdPM from Sir Philip Sassoon while on active service in France during WW1. Dated 13 August [no year]. 3ff.
  • Mallet IV.11.19 2 items:
    • IV.11.19.1 Letter to LdPM from Sir Eric Drummond, FO. Dated 31 May 1916.
    • IV.11.19.2 Telegram from Theo Russell (ND) re possibility of LdPM becoming PVS an/or acting Private Secretary at FO.

Mallet IV.12 Private letters 1913-1915 These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

  • Mallet IV.12.1 Letter to LdPM’s mother from John St Loe Strachey on LdPM’s appointment to Constantinople. Letters re journey out.
  • Mallet IV.12.2 Telegrams to LdPM from Sir E Grey & Sir W Tyrell, saying he was doing well.
  • Mallet IV.12.3 Despatch from Sir E Grey to LdPM, 4 December 1914, thanking him for farewell despatch (printed as Cd 7716 – see bound volume)
  • Mallet IV.12.4 Letter from Bernard Mallet to his mother, 5 August 1914, re LdPM’s impending return to Constantinople
  • Mallet IV.12.5 Letters from LdPM to his mother, August 1914, describing his journey to and arrival at Constantinople
  • Mallet IV.12.6 transcript of a letter from LdPM dated 3 October 1914 to his brother Bernard, re events leading toward war with Turkey.
  • Mallet IV.12.7 Letter to LdPM from Sir E Grey, December 1914, to say he would receive the GCMG
  • Mallet IV.12.8 Certificate of Registration under National Registration Act 1915; Official pass to Peace Conference 1919; invitation card to signature of Peace Treaty, 28 June 1919.
  • Mallet IV.12.9 Newspaper cuttings re LdPM’s appointment as Ambassador

Mallet IV.13 Letters and documents relating to the Times article of 1917 criticising Louis, and a copy of Louis’ defence; other papers collected by his brother, M Hugo Mallet.

Mallet IV.14 Bound copy of Cmdr. 7628 ‘Correspondence respecting events leading to the rupture of relations with Turkey.’ Miscellaneous no 13 (1914) and article ‘The entry of Turkey into the war’ by F Cunliffe-Owen

Mallet IV.15 Paperback ‘The Contemporary Review’ no. 588, December 1914. Contains article ‘The Downfall of Turkey by Dr EJ Dillon.

Mallet IV.16 Book ‘Secrets of the Bosporus’ by Henry Morgenthau, 1918 Images of another copy (not at Balliol) via

Mallet IV.17 4 notebooks with notes and scribblings by LdPM.These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

Mallet IV.18 obituaries etc

Mallet IV.19 copy of will, power of attorney, inventory and executorship account

Mallet IV.20 photograph of a portrait

Mallet IV.21 Commonplace notebook of Eugene Hugo Mallet (1865-1950) Vol 1 1935-1 1941-1945?

Mallet IV.23 Letter by Eugene Hugo Mallet (1865-1950) to Mrs CC Andreae on the bombing of Bath 1942, Obituary

Mallet IV.24 Will, account etc of Eugene Hugo Mallet (1865-1950)

Mallet IV.25A material re Sir Charles Edward Mallet (1862-1947) - see also Charles Harris Papers file A39.

Mallet IV.25B Times obituary 1947 of Sir Charles Edward Mallet (1862-1947)

Mallet IV.26 article by John Valentine Granville Mallet (1930-  ) about taking out David Victor Mark Mallet (1945- ) from prep school – The Times, 25 February 1956

Mallet IV.27 Article about life of Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount Exmouth (1757-1833) from The Times of 1933

Mallet IV.28 Booklet ‘Francis John Mallet – the record of a brief life’ (1857-1867)

Mallet IV.29 Miscellaneous papers about the Mallet family

Mallet IV.30 St Mary’s House 1915-1975 – re Gertrude Mallet

Mallet IV.31 Photograph of Mallet rally, Geneva 1981

Mallet IV.32 Book ‘Notice Geographique et Historique sur La Famille Mallet’ by Albert Choisy

Mallet IV.33 booklet, supplement to Choisy book, ‘La Famille Mallet’ by Jean-Etienne Genequand


I. Papers of Jacques (James) Mallet du Pan (1749-1800)
II. Papers of Jean Louis Etienne (John Lewis) Mallet (1775-1861)
III. Papers of Sir Louis Mallet (1823-1890)
IV. Papers of Sir Louis du Pan Mallet GCMG (1864-1936) and other members of the Mallet family
V. Papers of Marie Constance Mallet née Adeane (1861-1934)
VI. Papers of Sir Bernard Mallet, KCB (1859-1932)


- Anna Sander

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